Hello everyone I just want to let you guys know that I've been nominated for the SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD! I'm over the moon to be nominated by Tamika King (My Boutique Therapy) and I hope you share my joy today too! It's quite a shock for me especially since October is my first month blogging!

So, as a nominee I have to share with you the rules:

·         Thank the blogger that nominated you.

·         Answer 11 questions -given by the person who nominated you.

·         Create 11 questions of your own you want your own nominees to answer

·         Nominate and notify 11 new nominees of your choice.

1.How would you describe your fashion sense?

I'd say my fashion sense is a mix of casual and sophisticated most of the time because I tend to wear a nice blouse with jeans. I'll let you in a secret too. I'm usually colour co-ordinated too if I can help it, just keeps my outfit having a nice vibe.

2. What’s your favorite dessert?

Ooh, now this is a good question! My fave dessert is sticky toffee pudding I just love how it's like fudge and sweet. This is making me sooooo hungry! It's great because you can make it yourself or you can get it in the supermarket and heat it up in the microwave. Sticky toffee pudding is a real treat!

3. What’s one job you would never do?

Probably something that solely revolves around maths. I CAN’T do it, I find it stressful and frustrating I’m like a toddler having a tantrum most of the time!

4. What’s the best birthday gift you ever had?

I got a desk/study area this year and I love it so much! I have space to put all my school stuff but at the same time I can chill at my desk and watch youtube or do blogging, my study area has such a nice vibe and it’s certainly going to be much more long lasting than giving me money or buying me clothes.

5. What’s the last song you listened to?

Chlorine by 21 Pilots they are my favourite band and I’m a real fan of their new Trench album!

6. What skill would you like to master?

I’d like to master Patience because I get bored and end up jumping to conclusions or getting agitated a lot of the time when faced with waiting for stuff to happen it’s not that easy as a flick of the switch and your mind will stop being bored to death.

7. What’s your favorite drink?

Orange tango, I don’t drink alcohol so fizzy drinks are my true calling to fame. (I’m going sugar free for November though so I’m gonna miss it for a while)

8. How many places have you traveled to?

I’ve been around my home country the UK and to Tenerife – Tenerife was a little bland but I’d love to go to Iceland, Norway, Denmark or Canada!

9. How different was your life a year ago?

A lot more chill. I actually didn’t do as much studying because the exams were at a lower level and therefore required less effort. Nowadays however, I study a lot more and I tend to get into stress frenzies more often – the thought of exams are tres not nice. It doesn’t help either that some people tell me to ‘cope’ with it. Sorry it’s not that simple. Try again later?

10. Give me three words that describe you.

Dedicated, Determined, Undecided

11. Instagram or Twitter?

Twitter anyday! I hear Instagram is a real buzz kill to grow followers and almost a month in that toil seems a little bit too much too soon. I also feel Twitter has a much better atmosphere and everyone speaks nice enough to me!
My Nominations are:
Weird and Liberated Blogger
Joan Senio
Emm Joy
Deborah Kos
Grubbin' With M.E
Ell/ Girl Boss Bloggers
Caledonian Kitty
Spooky Cat
Bailey Leah

My questions are:
1.  Most inspiring quote?
2.  Favourite book?
3.  Top blogging tip?
4.  Favourite experience?
5.  Dream Job?
6.  Harry Potter house?
7.  Most difficult thing you've overcome?
8.  Favourite Outfit?
9.  Best thing you've ever watched?
10. Biggest accomplishment?
11. What is your motivation to keep on blogging?

Good luck to the nominees! Thank you so much for reading today's post, hope you have a good day!


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