Studying with Efficiency!

Hello everyone, it's me Electrically Effective and today I'm going to share some study hacks to boost you at a rate of knots! Hope you enjoy my post.

DESK, DESK, DESK! Whether you are at home or out and about you can always find a good spot for studying (perhaps somewhere like a library). Never study in uncomfortable situations because that will end up being what you associate with studying - demotivating you. I remember last year I spent all my time revising on a tiny winy desk and that was remarkably difficult to move in any direction and in the end most of the time I spent writing stuff into my notebook on my lap as my textbooks and materials took up the entire space of the desk!

Thankfully though, this year I received a new desk for my birthday which I had previously planned. What can I say? I just really enjoy doing projects even if they are little!

At first I found it hard to bother at all for studying, I thought it was sooooo BORING!!! So nowadays in order to keep myself motivated I created a study play list on YouTube, this honestly helped me get out of bed in the morning and do studying. Sure I may not have done as much studying as my Study Youtubers but I certainly did a fair bit thanks to them motivating me. My favourite youtubers for studying are Ruby Granger and Ibz Mo, definitely check them out if you can!

Last year, I used a notebook/ journal for revising and I am very glad to say I filled it completely. However, the journal wasn't lined and I found it difficult to find previous pieces of interest that could be really helpful to me. As a result, this year I have an a5 lined notebook for each of my subjects, a folder for anything I do on my laptop and another revision journal for past papers and other things to practise.

Another item I recommend is a planner and if you don't want to buy one you can always use your phone, I also have a cork board just to make sure I can never forget when somethings due. I tend to be quite forgetful sometimes.

I hope you have taken something of out of this post and enjoyed it. Let me know what you think in the comments down below or on my twitter @ElectricallyE (or ElectricallyEffective in full).
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!❤


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