My top tips for a productive lifestyle!

You may have seen on my Twitter @ElectricallyE my poll on whether I should do a post about the ways I keep productive! The results were yassss. So, today I’ll be giving you some tips about how to keep on going.

CREATE PLAYLISTS OR BOARDS! I have a “Motivation to keep trying” if I’m ever feeling demotivated or even feeling down and all I do is save quotes that make me feel more courageous or ready to battle on with the day. I also have a “motivation” playlist on YouTube which isn’t as useful, but I do constantly revisit it! Now, I don’t save hundreds of videos or pins because there’s no way all of them will motivate me to keep on going so I suggest only saving things that really matter to you.

Changing out of your PJs! You’ve probably seen this tip millions of times before but, changing out of your PJs is all it takes to change your day’s focus and it’s always helpful in making you feel more put together and happier. PJs are nice comfortable but sometimes it’s nice to wear nice clothes even if you’re not going anywhere special!

Clean up gradually! Eek! I know I said the bad word “cleaning”, not many people enjoy it but never the less it has to be done and it’s easier to do it piece by piece rather than in a frenzy last minute because you have no clean clothes left. Cleaning up the place can get you into a routine of hygiene and will make you look for more project to do like studying or finding a new hobby which can really turn your life around. (I can’t believe I just made a motivational speech for cleaning)

Take a Break! Don’t over do it, this can lead to you burning out like rubber and it’s not a pretty sight I’m afraid. But, don’t worry! Taking a break can give you a wee breather and you can do what like most for that time – whether it’s reading or eating pizza.

Every now and then eat a vegetable! Healthy eating is becoming a trendy topic at the moment but doesn’t make it any easier for anyone to eat healthily, I struggle a lot of the time but I’m making more of an effort because it helps my brain worker better and expand which then leads to me creating better and more interesting content for my blog or even school work!

Plan out your day (roughly)! Planning your day can give this drive to get things done and somehow ticking the box becomes the most satisfying thing in the entire world, you do need to make sure that you don’t plan for every second of the day though because not everything’s going to go plan and you’ll therefore need a bit of flexibility in your daily routine. This actually why a lot of plans or routines don’t work as they don’t take into consideration every bloopers.

Thank you for reading today’s blog post! I hope you’ve learnt something new and take that into your new life, let me know your thoughts and progress @ElectricallyE on Twitter or in the comments below!


  1. These are some great tips. I do find that getting into a snazzy outfit and doing even ten minutes of housekeeping gives me energy and a better mood. Also, you reminded me that I had clothes that needed to go in the dryer, so thanks for that.

    1. Haha, I like to be helpful, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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