Letter to my old self

This post will be the first out of a 3-post series, today’s letter will be about my past and what I’d say to myself. You’ll have to stay tuned to find out what the other posts are about!

If I were to write a letter to my younger self I would start off with Hello!

Hello you,

The future is bright and has many prospects for you so don’t worry. All you need to do is try your best and never give up because your dreams and goals are achievable. You are loved by your friends and family.

You don’t need to stress out about tests or exams or not being good enough. WHY? Because you are worthy of other people’s love and attention. You are not a bad person not just because you say hello to people you meet on the street but because you do volunteering and always go the extra mile to help people out. You got this!

You are worthy. You know why? You’ll get a job and you’ll do your best at it leading to you improving in social aspects and confidence! You don’t need to worry about your future at all because you can do it all you need to be is patient. It’s not easy or fun to be patient it’s probably easier to be stressed about it but, in the end, success is not driven by pressure no matter how many people claim that to be the truth.

You don’t need to feel stressed all the time to feel you can succeed. It’s not wrong to be confident and you don’t have to conform with everyone else saying “aw I’m going to do terrible at this” this encourages your potential to fail and feel worse. You can do this, and you will do this because from the future I have faith in you.

You’re unlikely to be an A star student but that doesn’t matter because at the end of the day all you can do is try your best and if you don’t get top marks in the class that’s fine. Take pride that you got the best results you could hope for and that you put the effort into getting the marks.

The end.

I wish I had saw that truth back then. Well, what’s life without mistakes? Pretty bland so embrace your mistakes and use them to propel you forward to whatever your goal is even if it’s something small like opening the curtains or getting some fruits at the supermarket. You can do it! SO, thank you for reading today’s post, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know how to improve in the comments below or @ElectricallyE on twitter.


  1. I absolutely love this. Thanks so much for sharing.


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