All About Me

Hello! I am a 16 year old and I'm from the United Kingdom, in fact, I come from a very rural part of the UK. Of course this provides a struggle for me at times especially the idea of conforming to societies' norms, and in a small community a free thinking person like myself can be overlooked as others prefer to keep up their reputation. But then again I am in high school and at this age a lot of people are going through phases and overall are in the same boat as me. All they want to do is find out exactly who they are, just like me and we all go through this journey in different ways. But why should I let others limit my potential? 

Well, this is why I've started blogging. I love the idea of the world listening to my experiences and thoughts - clinging onto every word. Although in reality blogging keeps me busy and is truly exciting! I've always had a passion for writing, whether I'm good it or not I'm not quite sure but I am certain practise makes perfect. 

Most of my life I've felt the need to be the best. Which is nice for like a second then you realise that's absolutely ridiculous! Nobody can ever be the "best", what some people consider  good personalities other consider them cons  Nowadays, I use a can do attitude rather than wanting to be the best, previously, I was really not that clever and every day in school dragged on and yet the holidays flew by without even a warning. I was bullied and I only just got by in school and was told I had learning difficulties.

Alas, nowadays I don't seem to have the same problems I did then because I now bother to read my sentences and I know where to try my hardest. Because it's all very well being a hard worker but if it's not correct it really will not make a difference (like creating a great piece of writing but not reading over it so then it's all scrambled). Sometimes you just need to pay that little bit more attention to details. Hobbies such as writing really did motivate me in the dark days back then and really motivate me to keep on trying just that little bit more even today. Sometimes it's all that takes to make you feel a lot better! 
If you have any comments and suggested improvements you can always comment here on blogger or you can talk to me about it on my twitter @ElectricallyE (ElectricallyEffective in full)

Thank ever so much for reading my all about me post I hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Great post! I really enjoyed this.

  2. Fantastic post and it's wonderful to meet you!

    High school can be tough but once you leave you realize how small a part it played in your life. It's awesome that you are coming to blogging now and you will truly be able to capture the adventures of young adulthood.

    1. Thanks, it's good to hear your opinion about high school having a smaller impact on life, my blog's even making me come out of my shell a little!


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