The Problem With Jealousy...

Sometimes life just gets macabre. Doesn't it? That's when hives of jealousy pour out of everywhere and you're left comparing yourself to others and begrudging them for their success - even if it's something silly like cleaning the sink. You've got my attention now, but how do I fix it? How do I stop comparing myself to others? How do I get my life back? You see that's a tricky question... The untold truth is that nobody can just stop you feeling jealous at the drop of a hat. It's up to you. BUT, that's okay! It means that you're life is just a little bit more personalised. So is that it then? Of course not! Just because I can't stop you from being jealous doesn't mean I can't give you a few pointers. Don't know about you but I always see videos about this kind of thing. Perhaps I'll blend into the mix but I want to give you some advice. ...