My Favourite Halloween Activities

Hello everyone, today I'll be going through my favourite Halloween Activities! I hope you enjoy it and perhaps get into the spirit of October and Halloween.

Toffee Apples

Is it just me or the stickiness of toffee apples are great, and then you bite into them and it’s a 

great crunch! When I was in primary we would make toffee apples every year and it is one of the best activities ever. Memory lane always makes Halloween that little bit better.

Halloween Costume

I spend hours and hours every year on Pinterest planning out my Halloween costume! I’m not any good at the actually assembling of my makeup costume most of the time. But, in the end, I love planning it all out because it’s fun seeing everyone else’s ideas and costumes too.

Going out with friends

Every year I go out dancing with my friends. Since I live in a rural area I can’t really do trick treating so this is my alternative. It’s great fun because we get ready together and have good times and then we go outside and see more people!


Spider webs, smoke machines and dazzling lights! For some reason these items always remind me of Halloween and music videos. There is nothing quite like someone having decorations because it shows how important Halloween is to them. Making the tradition much more heart-warming!

Watching Coraline

Somehow horror flicks like the shining have never been as terrifying as Coraline. Truly was the best horror movie from childhood as I remember everyone in school being scared of it! Most of the time when I watched it I’d have to keep my mum nearby as it was soo scary! What can I say? I’m a bit of a wimp! So, this year I think I’ll rewatch it for old times sake with a bag of popcorn.

Thank you very much for reading today's blog post. Let me know in the comments your favourite Halloween Activities or you can let me know @ElectricallyE on Twitter. Enjoy the rest of your day!


  1. These are all so great, I have never made my own toffee apples, but they sound delicious. Have a great day! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for commenting! Maybe this year you might make toffee apples they are wonderful 😁


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