A Letter for the Future

Hello! Here is part 2 out of 3 for my series of letters to myself and tomorrow’s post will be to you. My audience! I hope you enjoy today’s post.

Hello future me,

I have complete faith in you that you’ll be able to do something productive with your life and be able to succeed. But today, I only wish you to be happy and free from pressure. Pressure really does not suit you, the mind goes all frazzled and that makes you break down.

SO, I hope in my future I’ll still be blogging (of course) and that you’ll have gone to University or out on the mainland for at least a little while. At the moment, I was thinking about taking a few weeks next year to Singapore – seems like a really interesting place.

Hopefully, you’ll have seen more of the world and have more of a voice in things going on. Whether it’s what fizzy drink to get or whether it’s what your voice is on the political issues of the time or even climate change!

I hope in the future my confidence will be built up enough to express everything I want to say, I want the world to know my thoughts and encourage them. Let yourself go, relax! You never know you might feel more comfortable just chilling and sometimes not caring about something.

I would like to imagine I’ll be surrounded by close and interesting friends that matter. But, the main matter is that my family are safe and sound as always and that they are having the time of their lives.
You can do whatever you put your mind to if you give it your best shot. Just make sure you don't burn out because then you'll feel demotivated and that's totally not a look.


Thank you for reading today’s post about what I’d say to my future self, let me know your opinions in the comments below or @ElectricallyE on twitter. As always, have a good day!


  1. I love that you reminded your future self to value the present moment.

  2. Very creative way to speak positive vibes into your present life!

  3. This is such a great series! You have some really great goals! Cant wait to hear more!😀🤗💛


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