Confessions of a History FREAK!

People constantly ask me why I like history. Most are like,
“UGGGGhhhhh, that’s so boring.”
Well, first of all I’m like RUDE. Though, I lack the courage to say it to their face and so in revenge I then blabber onto them about fun facts. Did you know that’s what I spend reading in my spare time?
Anyway, here’s my list of deep truths and there are no pictures so you’re going to have to read at least some of it. But hey ho you might find something new.

1. As a history enthusiast I find it easier to talk to the adults. Why? We cool dudes tend to watch the same documentaries – although most of them haven’t found the ones on Netflix yet so I’m still ahead of the game. This leads to it being a bit harder to speak to the people my age as I just can’t relate, and I like cocooning myself in my house instead of going out to places.
2. I hate watching new movies based on historical movies out of fear that they may not be historically correct. I mean it’s exciting to think it’s gonna be great, but then a lot of the time companies seem to think it’s better to make it up as you go along. Not today Satan.
3. Every time in school someone thinks I’m some sort of history genius my nerves seem to retract all existence of any prior history  knowledge from my brain! I’m left to resort to sad blubbering about how I can’t do it. Either that, or, I end up saying something wrong. EEK!

Here are some of the positives!

4. It’s absolutely brilliant when you meet someone else who also likes history it really brings out my excitement and it means I can make a true friend without relatively trying too hard.
5. Sure, I may not know everything about history. But history helps me analyse today's culture. History also makes me feel I can lessen the impact of bad things reoccurring even if I’m only talking to my friends about it. Which then impowers me!
6. LEARNING, LEARNING AND LEARNING. No matter what age you are, you can always learn about history. History can breathe life into most bland conversations and lead to a completely different perspective on  your life!
7. There is such a wide variation of history you can learn about whatever interests you the most and you don’t have to stick around reading or watching the boring parts like you would have to in a fiction book or a film.
8. With History, you can learn more about the place you live in and this can lead to you having a stronger connection with your area or even your home.

All right guys, thanks for reading my first attempt at a blog post. I hope it’s been interesting for you to read and I appreciate it. I hope you understand why I like History and why I get excited about it! But, if it’s not for you please take any of these confessions into reinvigorating any of your passions. Whether it’s maths or languages take pride in what you like – it makes you, well you! Who cares if nobody else likes it, it makes you feel happy so go ahead and spread that positivity to the world. 😆

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” - JFK


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